Monday, January 12, 2015

mystical, magical, and generally useless items.

magical items, talk to me and I'll add them.

Random Items.
 a necromantic hide armor of charisma
 a scroll titled "The Lemur in a Nutshell"
a tome titled "The Javelin : What You Wish You Didn't Know"
a poultice of glow
a spell scroll containing "Starfish Taming"
a half-plate armor of corruption
an elixir of fireworks
a flora-infused shortsword of draining
 a mace of marvel
a vibrating scroll
a shiny monocle of the scientist
an useless robe of necromancy
a morphing jade of berserking
an elixir of agony
a spell scroll containing "Meteor of the Parrot"
a mysterious hauberk of silence
 a magic book containing "Elk Riding"
a draught of control flora
an engraved slab containing "Missile of the Dinosaur"
a clouded breastplate of the fish
 a dusty warhammer of rock
a draught of drain time
a book titled "Manticore Knowledge"
a spell book containing "Crow Summoning"
An earring of banish parisites
an eilixer of sparkles
a pair of glasses of confusion
a vibrating longspear of the ninja
 an elixir of drain darkness
a droning scepter (poultice of glow)
Trapped scroll of relive month
Fish Dush
Bone seed
Bowl of Watery Death
gourd of travel
ring of contrariness
>A stone slab that once served as the windowsill of a cottage in the foothills of an ancient mountain. rumored to belong to a goddess. When baked goods are set on it they automatically reach optimum temperature for consumption in two minutes.
>A magical bastard sword which phases right through any metal, making it great for fighting armored enemies, but making it useless for parrying in coming blades.
>A crystalline orb roughly the size of an orange, with demonic fires and sneering faces visible within, along with accompanying voices conveying both threats and horrible anguish. The voices will repeatedly instruct the bearer to break the orb and release them. When the orb is broken, nothing happens.
>An obsidian amulet with an animated red eye at its center which always stares directly at whoever in its site hates the wearer the most.
>A two-sided cape which, when inverted, changes the wearer's hair and eye color.
>An ordinary iron shovel. If, while using the shovel to bury something, one sings a funeral hymn in any language, the next time the shovel is used to dig a hole, it will unearth the contents of the previous hole.
>lamp that can be powered with blood, sweat, or tears, and any combination of the three
>(any armor)Scalemail made from chips of bone. It is more resilient than it should be, but whenever it turns away a blade the wearer feels pain as if they were stabbed or slashed appropriately, while suffering no real physical harm
>Leather armor who's inlaid pattern changes according to the weather.
>A very well made fullhelm that makes the wearer unable to be understood
>A very well made suit of plain looking plate armor. Anyone wearing it for more than a week is convinced it is bad luck.

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