Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sorclocks, as of yet the most obviously broken thing in 5e.

How it works- 
Round one it isn't special because that's spent casting the Hex. Round 2 it does great damage. Round 3 it pulls ahead of most damage specialists, and the target dies. Repeat from round 1. 

At character level 5, the monk does 2d8+2d6+16 with a flurry, up to 5 times on a short rest, 15 times a day with two rests a day. That's an average of 32 a round, 96 in 3 rounds, good for 5 encounters in a day.

The sorclock comes online for the first time at level 5, dealing 2d10+2d6+8 twice on the following rounds. That's 26, 52, 26 or 104 in three rounds. The works only against a single target. The sorclock has 3 sorcery points and 10 1st level slots and 2 second level slots with the same rests. It takes a bonus action to restore Sorcery points so it takes one more level to be able to quicken two rounds in a row. This leaves enough to quicken 8 times a day and have one slot left over to cast the Hex which lasts up to an hour. This whole thing works much better at level 6 or 7, honestly.

>Anyway, the dps isn't the sole issue. It also blatantly does the warlock's thing of few spell slots, lots of eldritch blasts better than a pure warlock, without fail.<

How to fix it-

Eldritch Blast becomes a class feature of Warlocks again instead of a Cantrip. This solves a lot of little problems like a few creatures being immune to warlocks-and-only-warlocks. While they're at it, Hunter's Mark and Hex can become class features and not spells requiring concentration too.

This is pasted directly from 4chan, and I have to agree with this.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"homebrew" shenanigans

First off, I say Homebrew in quotations as all of these ARE OFFICIAL or made/built off of from an official developer of D&D, the creator of ebberon, keith baker.

Artificer class-
No you cant switch to this until I get the rules down.
Yes that means you.
Learn anything relevant to this class if you play it, keep a notepad handy if necessary. I know very little about the class, and will straight up ignore class abilities unless you say you have them.

Warforged race-
I know jack all about warforged.

Playing as races in the Dungeon Master Guide-
As a case by case basis.
For example, if your character was killed by a red dragons fire, I'll consider letting you play as a skeletion of yourself. Good luck playing a spellcasting class that is unable to speak, though.
In general, the more absurd the class is, the less likely I will let you play it until the group is a high enough level that the racial bonuses are less important.

Shit we can do-
96- "villainous" class options, oath-breaker paladin and death domain cleric
270, side initiative, each turn takes a side in any order they wish, everyone on each side rolls a d20
with no bonuses
286- aasimar race- celestial variant to teiflings
269- plot points- campaign fuckery (not to be used with premade campaigns at any cost)
268-guns (exceptionally unlikely) the fuck do you think guns mean
mob rules- easy no dice rolling for hoards of creatures, 250. really nice.
Monsters as NPCs or players: 282. probably gonna be only NPCs, have another source for players upon request.
Traps- 120

When a ranged attack misses a target that has cover, you can use this optional rule to determine whether the cover was struck by the attack. First, determine whether the attack roll would have hit the protected target without the cover. If the attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target but high enough to strike the target if there had been no cover, the object used for cover is struck. If a creature is providing cover for the missed creature and the attack roll exceeds the AC of the covering creature, the covering creature is hit.
With this rule, characters can give cover for other characters from ranged attacks, but run the risk of being hit if they have low AC.

When a melee attack reduces an undamaged creature
to 0 hit points, any excess damage from that attack might carry over to another creature nearby. The attacker targets another creature within reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, applies any remaining damage to it.
If that creature was undamaged and is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process,
carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to reduce an undamaged creature to 0 hit points.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Refrence materials- Unfucking believably helpful.
Two random character generators.
Having trouble deciding what your next character will be for another campaign?
Your character just died and you're completely crushed and cant be bothered to make something?
These are your source.
The BEST reference. Constantly being updated with new things. having trouble remembering shit you can do? DM or one of your abilities inflicts a status you are unfamiliar with? have this in another tab.
Cards for literally every single spell in the spell book (so far). Playing in person? Print these suckers out, cut them out, and slam that shit on the table when you cast the spell. Have a literal deck of shit you can cast.
Not playing in person? screenshot these and make any document type you wish picture, pdf, whatever of just the spells YOU care about. Print them out anyway, have something physical and carry them around with you.

Rules on:
Multiclassing a slight bit "level dipping" (biased)
Things that affect ability checks in any way.

Getting the most out of your game.

 Guides to getting the most out of what you aim for in D&D, and some side rules that are forgotten or unclear.
A helpful guide to how to roleplay well. Look at this shit, if you look at nothing else on this list.
>Caution- extremely minmaxing, with very little regard for roleplaying, at least for the class guides.
Worth taking a look at anyway.<

1) Do foes larger than a grappler auto succeed? JC: That part of the feat is an error. It refers to a playtest version of the grappling rules.
2) A druid in beast form uses his or her proficiencies, except when the beast has the same proficiency with a higher bonus. [druids are not proficient in natural weapons] The intent is that the druid uses the bonus in the beast's stat block for any proficiency the druid lacks.
3)As with most bonus actions, you choose the timing, so the Shield Master shove can come before or after the Attack action.
4)The intent of Pact of the Tome is that the chosen cantrips become warlock spells with Cha. as the spellcasting ability.
5) does the dueling fighting style work with sword and shield?" JC:It sure does!
6) "does a player using the polearm master feat add strength to the damage roll of the bonus attack?" JC: Yep!
7) "RAW,would a monk/druid retain Unarmored Movement while shifted?" JCYes.

JC is one of the creators of 5e. His words are the rules as intended (RAI) for this edition of 5e.
Easilly forgotten or missed rules. Check this out, seriously.
an "ultimate" compilation of D&D recources. I'm currently looking at it, but I'm shit with drive, so this isn't exactly my prefferred method of obtaining new materials. Look through it as you wish.

  • Terminology for games- especially relevant to new players, but still fairly basic terms.
  • Player/DM Related
  • PC - Player Character, the characters that people play
  • NPC - Non Player Character, characters who are played by the DM.
  • DMPC - DM Player Character
  • DM - Dungeon Master, the person who narrates the game and controls the monsters and NPCs
  • GM - Game Master, another phrase for Dungeon Master
  • ST - Storyteller, same as DM or GM
  • RP - Role Play, when you act like your character
  • IC - In Character: something said only in character, not OOC.
  • OOC – Out of Character. Something you say or do at the table, not as your character.
  • PHB - Player Hand Book, the Dungeons and Dragons book that contains information for players
  • MM - Monster Manual, the Dungeons and Dragons book that contains information about monster stats
  • DMG - Dungeon Masters Guide, the Dungeons and Dragons book that contains information for DMs
  • RAW - Rules As Written, the literal rules as written in the D&D Rulebooks (DMG, PHB, MM)
  • RAI - Rules as intended, intention from the creators of the game, antithesis of rules lawyers everywhere.
  • FLGS - Friendly Local Gaming Store
  • BBEG - Big Bad Evil Guy, normally referring to a final boss
  • TPK – Total Party Kill. To have the entire party be wiped out from an encounter.
  • WotC – Wizards of the Coast. The Company that owns D&D, as well as Magic: The Gathering.
  • OGL - Open Game License
  • Character/Monster Related
  • STR - Strength
  • DEX - Dexterity
  • CON - Constitution
  • INT - Intelligence
  • WIS - Wisdom
  • CHA - Charisma
  • BAB - Base Attack Bonus
  • AC - Armor Class
  • SR - Spell Resistance
  • Combat Related
  • [x]d[y][±z] – A shorthand for rolling dice. Eg. 2d4+3, which would mean that you roll two four-sided dice and add a 3 to the result.
  • DPS/DPR/DPT - Damage per second/round/turn. How much damage can your character deal to monsters in a time period.
  • DR - Damage reduction/damage resistance.
  • Tank - A character designed to take hits and protect weaker characters.
  • AoE - Area of effect. Refers to effects (usually spells, such as Fireball) which affect all creatures in an area.
  • DoT - Damage over time. An effect which makes you continuously take damage every round (or other time period) until it ends or is dispelled.
  • CC - Crowd control. An effect which does something more than just "deal X damage": for example slowing, tripping, charming, frightening, etc. Usually used to temporarily or permanently remove enemies from a fight without having to kill them.
  • Save or die - A type of spells that have your character make one or several saving throws. If you fail some or all of those, you instantly die, no matter how much HP you have left
  • DC - difficulty challenge
  • MAD - multi-ability dependant
  • SoS - Save or Suck: When something is forced to make a saving throw with failure resulting in some debilitating/crippling penalty or condition

Premade characters and character sheets.

This website right here is amazing
this is a project that gives hundreds (past the eight-hundreds) of character sheets that are premade for just about every class and archetype, and what's more it's still being updated!
I highly recommend everyone checks it out, if only for "what's an example that X class can have at Y level"

Also posted here are some blank. character sheets for saving in real-life form, or for just a design asthetic. The link just above the picture has my personal favorite sheets (apart from the readily available ones from wizards)
I'm a rather large fan of the 9bit Vertical one linked right here.

Will add more picture sheets tommorrow

Monday, January 12, 2015

Optional actions players can take during their turn~ I'd like to use- Will update from page numbers to actual descriptions.

If one creature wants to jump onto another creature, it can do so by grappling. A Small or Medium creature has little chance of making a successful grapple against a
Huge or Gargantuan creature, however, unless magic has granted the grappler supernatural might.
As an alternative, a suitably large opponent can be treated as terrain for the purpose of jumping onto its back or clinging to a limb. After making any ability checks necessary to get into position and onto the larger creature, the smaller creature uses its action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
If it wins the contest, the smaller creature successfully moves into the target creature's space and clings to its body. While in the target's space, the smaller creature moves with the target and has advantage on attack rolls against it. The smaller creature can move around within the larger creature's space, treating the space as difficult terrain. The larger creature's ability to attack the smaller creature depends on the smaller creature's location, and is left to your discretion. The larger creature can dislodge the smaller creature as an action- knocking it off, scraping it against a wall, or grabbing and throwing it- by making a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the smaller creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The smaller creature chooses which ability to use.

Use a weapon attack to attempt to knock a weapon or item
from target’s hand. Make an attack roll contested by the
target’s STR (Athletics) or DEX (Acrobatics) check. On
success, target drops weapon/item. You have disadvantage
on your attack roll if the target is holding a item with both
hands. The target has advantage on the ability check if it is
larger than you, or disadvantage if it is smaller than you.

Force your way through a hostile creature’s space by
attempting to overrun it. As an action or bonus action,
make a STR (Athletics) check contested by the target’s STR
(Athletics) check. If you are larger than your target, you gain
advantage, if you’re smaller, disadvantage. On success,
move through the hostile target’s space.

Tumble through a hostile creature’s space. As an action or
bonus action, make a DEX (Acrobatics) check against
target’s DEX (Acrobatics) check. On success, move through
target’s space.

Use an attack action to shove a creature to knock it prone
or move it away from you. Your target must be no more
than one size larger than you, and within reach. Make a STR
(Athletics) check contested by target’s STR (Athletics) check
or DEX (Acrobatics) check. On success, knock the target
prone or push it 5ft away from you.

Shove Aside: Take disadvantage on your ability check to
move target 5ft to a different space within your reach.

mystical, magical, and generally useless items.

magical items, talk to me and I'll add them.

Random Items.
 a necromantic hide armor of charisma
 a scroll titled "The Lemur in a Nutshell"
a tome titled "The Javelin : What You Wish You Didn't Know"
a poultice of glow
a spell scroll containing "Starfish Taming"
a half-plate armor of corruption
an elixir of fireworks
a flora-infused shortsword of draining
 a mace of marvel
a vibrating scroll
a shiny monocle of the scientist
an useless robe of necromancy
a morphing jade of berserking
an elixir of agony
a spell scroll containing "Meteor of the Parrot"
a mysterious hauberk of silence
 a magic book containing "Elk Riding"
a draught of control flora
an engraved slab containing "Missile of the Dinosaur"
a clouded breastplate of the fish
 a dusty warhammer of rock
a draught of drain time
a book titled "Manticore Knowledge"
a spell book containing "Crow Summoning"
An earring of banish parisites
an eilixer of sparkles
a pair of glasses of confusion
a vibrating longspear of the ninja
 an elixir of drain darkness
a droning scepter (poultice of glow)
Trapped scroll of relive month
Fish Dush
Bone seed
Bowl of Watery Death
gourd of travel
ring of contrariness
>A stone slab that once served as the windowsill of a cottage in the foothills of an ancient mountain. rumored to belong to a goddess. When baked goods are set on it they automatically reach optimum temperature for consumption in two minutes.
>A magical bastard sword which phases right through any metal, making it great for fighting armored enemies, but making it useless for parrying in coming blades.
>A crystalline orb roughly the size of an orange, with demonic fires and sneering faces visible within, along with accompanying voices conveying both threats and horrible anguish. The voices will repeatedly instruct the bearer to break the orb and release them. When the orb is broken, nothing happens.
>An obsidian amulet with an animated red eye at its center which always stares directly at whoever in its site hates the wearer the most.
>A two-sided cape which, when inverted, changes the wearer's hair and eye color.
>An ordinary iron shovel. If, while using the shovel to bury something, one sings a funeral hymn in any language, the next time the shovel is used to dig a hole, it will unearth the contents of the previous hole.
>lamp that can be powered with blood, sweat, or tears, and any combination of the three
>(any armor)Scalemail made from chips of bone. It is more resilient than it should be, but whenever it turns away a blade the wearer feels pain as if they were stabbed or slashed appropriately, while suffering no real physical harm
>Leather armor who's inlaid pattern changes according to the weather.
>A very well made fullhelm that makes the wearer unable to be understood
>A very well made suit of plain looking plate armor. Anyone wearing it for more than a week is convinced it is bad luck.

Some Images relevant to campaigns, refrence as you will