Monday, February 2, 2015

Absolutely core stuff

Here's links to just straight up core materials.
Lose your copy? get it here.!pEMCBCiD!58AJsfX_Ggh_fYzUfFExMg
(I claim no ownership of any of these, everything here is from wizards of the coast.)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

My own personal links for use or for giving out.
This will bring you to the roll20 campaign that I currently have set up. Only people I know personally should request to join, please.!REMmRbga!3TjyqUwh34BuPFv6caLB1PRdFEDGqbUU9JeSVdtHVrU
Actions you can take during your turn, including the things stated in the Dungeon Master Guide.
I'm personally letting people use all of them, apart from maybe marking targets.!ZYtnTBYQ!G-xxKX71IWg131F_pye_rqbYiM27gY7jxTGPNFp87_o
Summaries for every class in the players handbook. Not exactly the best looking thing, but it's really handy to have around to see exactly what each class is capable of without sorting through anything.!8M1nBbJS!uozpCR8WrZJDHfDSrv7bkkZJA_QkpMB7zqDmOex2ABI
A crib sheet for 5th edition. If you are just starting, a lot less should confuse you after reading this.!RdthkBQJ!Bjz2e2CN0f3TJ2E2NeMJY-rjuP8qdIPQDcqQWmtXhNk
A spell list for every single class in the Players handbook. Insanely good, as it give the names with hyperlinks to the spell description.
Wondering what each class can cast? Unsure if you can have 4 different characters of the same class that have no overlapping spells?

You can check that out right here.

(Single class PDF versions available upon request, for those that don't care about the rest of the party, or like things to look a little more like the source material.)!YUtwSR5R!kttnN6V4a-KYryy_0KoWAw
Rules! Specifically, A rules summary, the free rules given out by wizards of the coast, and the rules for adventurers league as a player. I still don't understand the league thing, but the DM has his own ruleset to deal with that I'll get to at some point.

For the most part, you might only have these to glance over at any given time, but I'm giving all of them as it never hurts to reference things in more detail, especially in conjunction with all the other stuff I've linked/will be adding to in this blog.